[IPOL discuss] pylint error using input_select and params

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Feb 24 12:18:18 CET 2014

Quoting Bertrand Kerautret <bertrand.kerautret at univ-lorraine.fr>:
> Just a small question about an pylint error that I obtain even if  
> the demo is fine:
> ----
> pylint app/74/app.py --disable=C0103 --rcfile utils/pylintrc
> app.input_select: Passing unexpected keyword argument 'key' in function call
> ----
> It looks that it comes from the fact that I both re define:
> def params(self, newrun=False, msg=None)
> and
> def input_select(self, **kwargs)

Hi Bertrand,
I've been looking at that warning, and it seems that the problem comes  
from the base_app.py source.

This file is from the demo system itself, so it's something the we  
need to fix, but it's not related to your particular demo. Thus, if  
the demo works you just can ignore the warning.

If the base_app.py, the signature for function params(...) is the following:
     def params(self, newrun=False, msg=None)

BUT, in input_select, a "key" parameter is passed: return  
self.params(msg=msg, key=self.key) (this causes the warning)

and also in input_upload: return self.params(msg=msg, key=self.key)

Nicolas Limare is about to fix a problem we have with that key  
parameter, so it's worth looking at that warning and fixing it when  
the new code is uploaded.


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