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editing layout instructions
[[!meta title="Layout Editing Instructions"]] The layout editing stage produces the final documents to be published. It must not modify the content of articles, but should strive to attain the best result since these files will not be easily modified after publication. Layout editing is performed at the request of the editor in charge of the article, after the copyediting. Files and messages are exchanged via OJS, section "_EDITING / Layout_". [[!toc levels=2]] # Demo There is no formal procedure for the demos yet, but the layout editor should: * verify that the latest demo version (from OJS _Supplementary Files_) is running on the server * check that the demo code is correct (using `pylint`) * remove commented code blocks and unused files (dotfiles, temporary files, etc) * have a look at the demo code and assess its general quality # Software There is no formal procedure for the software yet, but the layout editor should * verify that the demo uses the latest code (from OJS _Supplementary Files_) * check that the code follows the [[Software Guidelines|software_guidelines]] using the source checking service at <https://tools.ipol.im/swg_check/> # Manuscript Layout editing improves two aspects of the manuscript: visual quality, by fixing typography, spacing, margins, page breaks, etc., and technical quality, by producing an optimized PDF file and using a standardized compilation process allowing automation. The layout editor retrieves from OJS the final (copyedited) PDF (in _Layout / Layout Version_) and the LaTeX sources (in _Supplementary Files_) and verifies that these are the correct LaTeX sources, by recompiling the PDF and comparing the result with the copyedited PDF. Then the layout editor works on the LaTeX files and communicates with the editors or authors (always with copy to the editor) if needed. Then the layout editor produces the final PDF document in high and low resolutions and uploads everything to OJS: * corrected source in _Layout / Layout Version_ * two resolutions of the PDF document in _Layout / Galleys_ Finally, the layout editor marks the task as complete and signals it to the editor. Editor and authors will proofread the result, and after their approval the layout editor creates the article page and publishes it in IPOL. Layout editing items are detailed hereafter, for articles published from 2013. ## Clean LaTeX Source * Rename the article source to `article.tex`, verify it uses the latest IPOL LaTeX class `ipol.cls` [[version 0.4.2|manuscript_guidelines/ipol_latex_class_v0.4.2.zip]], add `ipol.cls` and `ipol_logo.png` to the article source if missing. Add the standard `makefile` (from [[here|makefile]]). * Add local `.sty` files (retrieved from your LaTeX installation) for every package included in the source other than `hyperref`, `graphicx`, `amsmath`, and `amssymb`. * Delete images and other files (like dotfiles) not used for the article. * Verify that you can compile the article with `make` and resolve any LaTeX error or warning. Programs `ps2pdf`, `pdftk` and `qpdf` are needed to produce a low-resolution version with `make article_lr.pdf`. We also need the package `hyperref`, version 2010/01/11 or later. * Remove any manual presentation option (margins, fonts, headers and footers, ...) from the LaTeX source, to maintain the standard IPOL style. * Remove commented sections of the LaTeX source: `perl -pe 's/(^|[^\\])%.*/\1%/' < article.tex > tmp.tex && mv tmp.tex article.tex` ## Correct Spelling and Typography * Verify the spelling of the article, using a spell-checker program (`M-X ispell-buffer` in emacs for example). Use American English (color, neighbor, ...) and refer to the [Merriam-Webster Dictionary](http://www.merriam-webster.com/). Note that technical terms (denoising, ...) won't be in dictionaries. * Insert non-breaking space (`~`) before `\cite{}` and `\ref{}` commands. Remove spaces before punctuation marks (`.,:;`), add spaces outside of parenthesis but not inside. * Add `\ `after dots not endiong a sentence (`resp.\ `) and `\@` before dots ending a sentence after a capital letter (`the PSNR\@`). _Lacheck_ is an useful tool to look for these details. * Use long dashes (`--`) between names (`Chan--Vese`), use `\ldots` instead of "...". * Capitalize the article title and sections and sub(sub...)section titles, in headline-style (cf. [[Manuscript Guidelines|manuscript_guidelines#capitalization]]). * In article and section titles, provide text alternatives to math symbols with `\texorpdfstring`, for example `\texorpdfstring{$\alpha$}{alpha}`. You can check some (but not all) of these typography rules with the program `lacheck`. ## Metadata * Set the article identifier with `\ipolSetID{}`; use the OJs submission ID. * Set the submission date with `\ipolSetSubmissionYear{}`, `\ipolSetSubmissionMonth{}` and `\ipolSetSubmissionDay{}`; you can get this information from OJS, page SUMMARY. * Set the acceptation date with `\ipolSetAcceptedYear{}`, `\ipolSetAcceptedMonth{}` and `\ipolSetAcceptedDay{}`; you can get this information from OJS, page REVIEW. * Set the publication date with `\ipolSetPublicationYear{}`, `\ipolSetPublicationMonth{}` and `\ipolSetPublicationDay{}`; since the paper is not published yetr, use 00 for month and day. * Remove the `\ipolPreprintLink{}` command; from now the links in the paper use the DOI. * Add keywords using `\ipolKeywords{}`, just after the abstract and code info; you can get the keywords from OJS, page SUMMARY. ## References * Verify the author names are separated by a comma, and provided with their host institution and a professional email address. * Group reference numbers together (`\cite{foo, bar}` instead of `\cite{foo}, \cite{bar}`) * Remove abbreviations of journal names, replace them by the full names. * Add missing DOI link for articles (<http://dx.doi.org/10.XXXX/ABCDE>) and ISSN for books (ISSN:1234567890). ## Images, Figures and Tables * Verify that raster images are PNG/JPEG and drawings (curves, figures) use PDF vector graphics. * The size of images included in the article must not be expressed in absolute measures (cm, mm, etc.). Replace them with fractions of `\linewidth` (the local text or column width) for the width (`\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{image.png}`) and multiples of `em` (the height of a text line) for the height (`\includegraphics[height=2em]{image.png}`). Try to use same sizes in the whole document, for example `0.45\linewidth` for images by pairs and `0.3\linewidth` for groups of three. * In the "Image Credits" section (`\section*{Image Credits}`}, just before the bibliographic references, the font size of this section must be `\small`, the thumbnails height must be `2em`, and lines are separated by line breaks, not paragraph breaks. * Verify that every table and image fits within the document margins. There should be no `overfull \hbox` or `overfull \vbox` message in the LaTeX logs. * Optimize the images with the `minipng` and `minijpeg` scripts ([[here|minipng]] and [[here|minijpeg]]). ## Layout * Format the abstract and source code info with `\begin{ipolAbstract}` and `\begin{ipolCode}`. * Remove manual layout instructions such as `\newpage` and `\vspace{3cm}`. * Use the natural LaTeX structures for lists and subtitles: `itemize`, `description`, `paragraph`. Replace hacks (such as manually using bold and underline to emulate a description list) by proper LaTeX. * Correct the article so that captions and figures are on the same page, section titles are not lost in long series of images, text does not refer to a figures on a distant page, tables are not used for paragraphs or lists, short paragraphs are not lost between large images, references are on the last page and not interrupted by figures, etc. This usually involves some fine tuning of the image size, float options, and some manual page breaks. * Set the first page number with `\setcounter{page}{}`. * Verify that the page headers are correct. * Verify that the article reference in the first page footer is correct. # Publishing TO BE WRITTEN: procedure to put the final PDF, code and demo online, register the DOI, and announce the article.
Optional description of this change:
Wed Jun 18 15:20:38 2014
Wed Jun 18 15:20:38 2014
Wed Jun 18 15:20:38 2014
Wed Jun 18 15:20:38 2014