Diff being reverted:
diff --git a/ref/manuscript_guidelines.mdwn b/ref/manuscript_guidelines.mdwn
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--- a/ref/manuscript_guidelines.mdwn
+++ b/ref/manuscript_guidelines.mdwn
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 [[!meta title="Manuscript Guidelines"]]
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-Articles submitted to IPOL must follow journal rules for the content
-and presentation of manuscripts. The IPOL LaTeX class, a style guide
-and a manuscript are available hereafter:
+* The IPOL LaTeX templates can be downloaded from [here](https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/manuscript_guidelines/ipol_style_v0.4.3_201404.zip).
+* IPOL’s style guide is available [here](https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/manuscript_guidelines/ipol_style_v0.4.3_201404.pdf).
+* The manuscript must contain the pseudocodes describing the main algorithms implemented in the submitted source code. 
-* [[full guide with LaTeX class, source and example|ipol_style_v0.4.3_201404.zip]]
-* [[PDF guide only|ipol_style_v0.4.3_201404.pdf]]
-For more info about the submission, review and publication procedure,
-see the [IPOL Author Manual](/ref/author_manual/).
-previous versions: [archives](./archives)
diff --git a/ref/software_guidelines.mdwn b/ref/software_guidelines.mdwn
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-Downloadable versions:
-Previous versions: [[archives|archives]]  
-<!-- JL: it doesn't work !!??
-[[!inline pagenames="ipol-swg.html" feeds="no" raw="yes"]]  
-<!-- workaround: copy mkdwn file below -->
-** IPOL Software Guidelines, version 1.04 **
-IPOL reviews, uses, publishes and distributes some software provided by
-the authors. With the requirements and recommendations expressed in
-these guidelines, we intend to facilitate the production and review of
-verifiable and usable software for reproducible research.
-[[!toc levels=3]]
-# In Brief: Check List, Check Service and Examples
-The list hereafter is a summary of the guidelines, to quickly check a
-program. Some are requirements, others are only recommendations.
-This document details and explains the guidelines later.
--   zip or tar/gzip archive `name_version.{zip,tar.gz,tgz}`
--   everything into a `name_version/` folder
--   file names with `a-z`,`A-Z`,`0-9`,`-`,`_`,`.`
--   no hidden file, backup or useless file, no binary
--   portable code, 32/64-bits, nothing specific to an operating system
--   command-line non-interactive interface
--   approx. 30 s computation in the demo environment
--   copyright attribution and GPL/BSD license info in every source file
--   patent warning if needed
--   `README.txt` essential information
--   correct, clean code in English
--   `main()`, algorithmic and auxiliary code in different files
--   detailed comments for every function and every implementation step
--   example input data and result
-# About this Document
-## Status
-This document is the official IPOL Software Guidelines, version
-1.04, published on May 14th, 2018. It is immediately applicable
-and obsoletes previous versions. The reference version is available
-at <https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/software_guidelines/>.
-## Revisions
-When needed, future versions of this document will be published and will
-replace the current version. The current version will still be
-available, with a summary of the differences. This revision will be
-announced on [the IPOL website](http://www.ipol.im/) and [the IPOL
-discussion list](http://tools.ipol.im/mailman/listinfo/discuss).
-Changes from version 1.02:
--    Removed restrictions regarding exclusive use of C code.
--    Changed limitations on the size of uploaded files.
-## Vocabulary
-These guidelines are designed for a research journal whose articles
-include some software material. They are written for IPOL, but may be
-used by others.
-In this document, the term "published software" designates
-the reference software implementation of an algorithm submitted for
-publication in a journal article. The "web demo" is an online facility
-used to test this software. An article **may** contain more than one
-software, and a demo **may** use more than one software.
-In this document, the words **must**, **must not**, **should**,
-**should not**, **recommended**, and **may** are used to express
-required, recommended, and optional
-items. [IETF RFC2119](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119) describes
-their interpretation, and Annex A adds details in the context of these
-## License
-This document is licensed under a
-[CC-BY License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). It can
-be freely reused and modified as long as its origin is
-credited. Modified versions must be mentioned as such and not
-misrepresented as the original IPOL version.
-# Guidelines
-## 1. Packaging and Content
-### 1.1. Compressed Archive
-A published software **must** be packaged as a compressed archive
-file. This file archive can either be a single volume .ZIP compressed
-archive or a GZIP compressed tar archive. 
-(These file formats are defined by [the PKZIP APPNOTE
-    specification](http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT),
-    version 6.3.2, for the .ZIP compressed archive format, [the IETF
-    RFC1952](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952) for the GZIP compressed
-    format, and [the POSIX.1 ustar
-    definition](http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/pax.html#tag_20_92_13_06)
-    for the tar archive format.)
-In the remainder
-of this document, we will use the terms "zip archive" and "tar/gzip
-archive" for convenience.
-Annex B of this document provides some examples of programs that can
-be used to produce such compressed archives.
-### 1.2. Archive Name, Program Name and Version
-The compressed archive file of a published software **must** be named
-according to the `name_version.extension` pattern, where:
--   `name` and `version` **must** consist only of lower case letters
-    (`a-z`), digits (`0-9`), minus (`-`) and period (`.`) signs;
--   `name` **must** indicate the name of the program; this name can
-    be the name of the executable program file, or another name, at the
-    author's will;
--   `version` **must** start with a digit; it **must** indicate a
-    version number for the program, in the sense that two different
-    releases of the program **must** have two different version numbers;
-    if no version numbering scheme is established for the program, the
-    `YYYYMMDD` pattern based on the year, month and day of the release
-    date **may** be used;
--   `extension` **must** be `zip` for zip archives and `tar.gz` or `tgz`
-    for tar/gzip archives.
-### 1.3. File and Folder Names
-All the files and folders extracted from the compressed archive **must**
-be located inside a base folder named `name_version`, where `name` and
-`version` are identical to those used for the compressed archive file
-name. Absolute path **must not** be used for files and folders extracted
-from the archive.
-The name of all files and folders composing the published software
-**must** consist only of lower or upper case letters (`a-z`, `A-Z`),
-digits (`0-9`), minus (`-`), underscore (`_`) and period (`.`)
-signs. They **should** start with a letter.
-The names **should** provide a meaningful hint of the content of these
-files and folders.
-### 1.4. Hidden and Useless Files
-A published software **should not** include hidden files or folders or
-by-products of the tools used by the authors, such as (but not limited
--   files inserted by file managers (`.DS_Store`, `.directory`);
--   folders inserted by version control managers (`.svn`, `.git`);
--   backup versions (`filename~`, `filename.bak`).
-The software **should not** be distributed with files not useful to
-build, use or study the implementation of the algorithm published in