[IPOL announce] new preprint: Screened Poisson Equation for Image Contrast Enhancement

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Wed May 8 13:35:02 CEST 2013

A new preprint is available in IPOL: http://www.ipol.im/pub/pre/84/

     Screened Poisson Equation for Image Contrast Enhancement
     by Jean-Michel Morel, Ana-Belen Petro, Catalina Sbert


In this work we propose an discussion and detailed implementation
of a very simple gradient domain method that tries to eliminate
the effect of nonuniform illumination and at the same time preserves
the images details. This model, which to the best of our knowledge
has not been explored in spite of its simplicity, acts as a high pass
filter. We show that with a single contrast parameter (which keeps
the same value in most experiments), the model delivers state of the
art results. They compare favourably to results obtained with more
complex algorithms. Our algorithm is designed for all kinds of images,
but with the special specification of making minimal image detail
alteration thanks to a first order fidelity term, instead of the usual
zero order term. Experiments on non-uniform medical images and on hazy
images illustrate significant perception gain.|

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