[IPOL discuss] new download problem + code update and server install news

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Dec 8 14:38:19 CET 2010

[context: Juan had build errors, because the location of some
articles, and their code, had changed]

> > It's because this page has been moved to the public area, [...]
> > It has been fixed yesterday, should be OK in the last code.
> >
> > Moreover, now when a build fails, it should not stop the program;
> > build failures are reported in the logs, and the program goes on.
> In the 20101208 version it still wrong, i guess it will appear tomorrow.

With our 3 timezones (Nagoya/Paris/Montevideo), it's hard to know what
"tomorrow" means...

To be sure, I manually updated the last source code snapshots. They
include the URL corrections for 2 demos (blm_color... and
m_quasi_euclidean...) and lots of changes:

(from the changelog)
    * common javascript code
    * input credits
    * config file handler for non-string types (bool, int, float)
    * refactored archive handling
    * fail-proof build
    * new input sets
    * gzip shortcut
    * streamline filenames in templates
    * various demo improvements
    * various style improvements, typo corrections and bugfixes

I just proceeded to a big update of the public versions of the demos,
available on http://www.ipol.im/pub/demo/. And as a reminder,
http://demotest.ipol.im/ demos are just source development snapshots,
here for tests and exchanges between authors and developpers, not
intended for public use.

And, last news from the hardware front: the new server is still
waiting, the installation is blocked by a network config issue and the
installation of its rack has been reported byu Dell to december
19th... So, we will probably have to wait until January for
* the new demo server with 32 cores (max 64 threads)
* the recycling of teh current demo server into a development machine
  for everyone...

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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