[IPOL discuss] presentation materials

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Tue Sep 28 06:42:31 CEST 2010

> The most important would, some slides demonstrating the workflow for
> the submission and the creation of a new demo will be nice. Something
> like the slides you have shown in the meeting.

The IPOL project and process are presented in the slides I used in
April. This presentation is available online, with the source code.
-> http://www.ipol.im/news/20100407_process/

You can reuse and adapt these slides; they are built with markdown[1],
pandoc[2] and S5[3], plus graphviz[4] for some images.


I will soon check and update the slides I used last week, and put them

> I'm more than willing to contribute on the creation of some of these
> materials if required. Maybe we can think about a "IPOL preaching kit"
> so every one of us can bring that back to our labs.

You are right. I just created a "presentation materials" page:
-> http://www.ipol.im/meta/media/
I will add to this page anything you send me. I think we need a little
pamphlet for IPOL, presenting the project and the main facts. This
could be printed and distributed at conferences. I often see a table
for this kind of materials (info about projects, conferences, books,
journals, software, ...).

By the way, we should have a logo for IPOL soon, created by a design
student in Cachan.

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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