[IPOL discuss] BM3D ready in dev. server

Miguel Colom Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu Apr 28 13:17:51 CEST 2011

> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:09:06PM +0200, Miguel Colom wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> the BM3D demo is now ready in the dev. server. You can use it and report
>> errors if you find any.
> I noticed the following possible problems:
> * there is a problem with the slider position (with Chromium 10, see the
>   attached screenshot)
> * the "run" button doesn't work without javascript
> * the default sigma level is too low, I can't see the noise; I suggest
>   16 as the default noise level;
> * there should be a line to explain what this "sigma" parameter means
> * there is a strange white margin in the "test" input image thumbnail

Thank you for your comments, Nicolas.
I'll correct the position of the slider as soon as I can. Some
presentation issues are still pending.
It's true that the Run button doesn't work without Javascript. With this
demo this is easy to fix, although for the noise estimation demo we need
some Javascript to make it work. Anyway, the sliders also need Javascript
to work because of the JQuery.

Is there a real and important reason to avoid using Javascript in the
demos? Almost all the users use browsers with Javacript enabled.

I think sigma=16 is quite high. I think it's better that Marc decides what
default value to put finally, because he's the author of the article and


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