[IPOL discuss] IPOL demo generator...

asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es
Thu Aug 18 16:32:07 CEST 2011

Dear all,

    I would like to communicate that I am working on a new interface  
for the demo generator. The old demo generator was never published in  
this list. It was commented in the Cachan meeting but it was never  
used. That interface was really hard to use. For this reason I am  
doing some changes and updating the template files in order to  
simplify the demo creation process.

    In "http://dev.ipol.im/~asalgado/ipol/demo_generator" you can test  
the new interface and suggest any bug or new feature.

    It is only the interface. It does not generate any demo code. The  
new interface try to simulate the demo appearance. Thus, the user can  
design the html pages at the same time  he introduces the data.

    In the following days I will include the code generator. First the  
html files (input, params, wait, results) generation. Second, the  
"app.py" file generation and finally some samples files with demos (to  
reduce the data to introduce, for most simplest demo).

Best regards,


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