[IPOL discuss] IPOL demo generator...

José Luis Lisani joseluis.lisani at uib.es
Sat Aug 20 00:46:47 CEST 2011


when I click on 'New demo->Next step' I get an error

José Luis

El 18/08/2011 16:32, asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es escribió:
> Dear all,
>    I would like to communicate that I am working on a new interface 
> for the demo generator. The old demo generator was never published in 
> this list. It was commented in the Cachan meeting but it was never 
> used. That interface was really hard to use. For this reason I am 
> doing some changes and updating the template files in order to 
> simplify the demo creation process.
>    In "http://dev.ipol.im/~asalgado/ipol/demo_generator" you can test 
> the new interface and suggest any bug or new feature.
>    It is only the interface. It does not generate any demo code. The 
> new interface try to simulate the demo appearance. Thus, the user can 
> design the html pages at the same time  he introduces the data.
>    In the following days I will include the code generator. First the 
> html files (input, params, wait, results) generation. Second, the 
> "app.py" file generation and finally some samples files with demos (to 
> reduce the data to introduce, for most simplest demo).
> Best regards,
>    Agustín
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