[IPOL discuss] Fwd: "Time out"

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Feb 7 10:10:16 CET 2011

Dear IPOL-ers,

I translate hereafter a message from Jean-Michel; I think the answers
can be useful to everyone.

We frequently habe "time out" on our demos. I suppose that many will
be fixed with the more powerful server, but however, I think that
users are not properly informed.
Once a demo is launched, in addition to the small spinning top, there
should de a message such as: "In case this execution takes more than
60 seconds, it will be interrupted"
And the window that appears in case of time out with "Error 504: Gateway
Timeout. This part of IPOL Is Temporary unavailable ... " is
inaccurate since this is generally interrupted by time out and not a
server error. 
So in this case could we send a better message like:
"Sorry, the execution of the algorithm on your data was taking more
than 60 seconds, and has therefore be automatically interrupted.
Please, try again with smaller or less complex data."

----- Forwarded message from Jean-Michel Morel <Jean-Michel.Morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> -----

Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 16:50:10 +0100
From: Jean-Michel Morel <Jean-Michel.Morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>
To: Nicolas Limare <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>,
	Jose Luis Lisani <joseluis.lisani at uib.es>
Subject: "Time out"

Chers José Luis  et Nicolas,

Il se produit fréquemment des "time out" sur nos démos. En principe je
suppose que beaucoup se réglerons avec le serveur plus puissant mais,
néanmoins, je pense que les utilisateurs ne sont pas proprement

Dès qu'une démo est lancée, outre la petite toupie qui tourne, il
faudrait à coté un message du type: "In case this execution takes more
than 60 seconds, it will be interrupted".

Et la fenêtre qui apparaît en cas de time out avec le

"Error 504: Gateway Timeout

This part of IPOL is temporary unavailable, ... "

est inexacte puisque s'agit en général d'une interruption par Time out
et non pas d'un défaut du serveur.

Donc dans ce cas pourrait-on envoyer un message plus conciliant du type:

"Sorry, the execution of the algorithm on your data was taking more
than 60 seconds, and has therefore be automatically interrupted.
Please, try again with smaller or less complex data".


----- End forwarded message -----

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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