[IPOL discuss] publishing a new demo

Juan Cardelino juan.cardelino at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 14:04:13 CET 2011

Dear all,
         I've been working with Mauricio for the past weeks on his
demo entitled: PSF Estimation. The demo is finished, and can be found
online at the server of my lab:
http://iie.fing.edu.uy/ipol/demo_psf_estim/ (see footnote). There are
some possible improvements, like countour display which we discussed
before, and for that purpose we will wait to use Jose Luis code when
we manage to clean it up. In addition, the web page is also ready with
examples, links to the demo and the code.

As it is the first demo I'm assisting, I have some doubts about how to
go on with the process. I already tested the demo code, so I was
thinking about reviewing the web page and then sending it to Nicolás
to publish as a workshop. After it is submitted as a workshop I was
planning to start reviewing the code.
However, I'm not sure if the review of the web page is my
responsibility or should the scientific committee do the task?
As soon as you tell me something I can send you the demo to upload to IPOL.
Best regards,

Note: Please take into account that we are having some proxy server
issues which sometimes ends in blank pages being served. That's
completely independent of the demo, which works as intended.

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