[IPOL discuss] various questions about python demos

Juan Cardelino juan.cardelino at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 14:46:59 CET 2011

Thank, you very much I will try that.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:42 AM, eml <ellopis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My problem with this is the input. Currently the input system is
>> tailored to images, so it will take some coding to adapt it to another
>> kind of input, for instance to  upload a text file, rename it, etc.
>> Have you guys tried to do something similar?
> Yes, our demos for optical flow take as (optional) input image, a
> vector field which is stored in a 2-channel TIFF image.  These images
> are not supported by the current demo system, because the PIL library
> can not read them.  The amount of coding that you have to do to
> overcome this problem is minimal: you simply override the function
> "input_upload" to do what you need to do(instead of using the default
> base_app.input_upload).  The only problematic part is the call to
> "process_input", which you need to adapt from converting images using
> PIL to read your graphs.

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