[IPOL discuss] The Hatchery: an informal index of available code within our community.

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Sep 26 21:43:19 CEST 2011

> Seems that Enric and you are doing the same kind of jokes. My latest
> joke was to transform the library I was sharing with Enric in a
> spaghetti  of 30k lines of code.

He is writing serious stuff, I just did a quick and dirty hack. I
forgot the link, you will see we are not boxing in the same category:

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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