[IPOL discuss] Software guidelines: C/C++ warnings

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Apr 4 10:58:22 CEST 2012

> What we're more likely to find are warnings due to common mistakes, like
> signed/unsigned comparisons, varibles and functions with const and without
> a "const", etc
> I think that we should insert a line in the guidelines asking to remove
> trivial warnings.

OK. I have a set of minor changes for the guidelines I intended to
propose for the version 1.01 update. I will include something about
the warnings. We can't write something as imperative as "code must
compile without warnings", because "warnings" is not clearly defined
and some warnings are unavoidable, but I will find a way to say that
warnings are bad and usually mean a bad code design, and must not be

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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