[IPOL discuss] Ipol articles class + an example

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Feb 1 09:55:44 CET 2012

> Je trouve le modèle que Rafael propose tout-à-fait accepable.
> Il me semble néanmoins que les figures  devraient être numérotées et
> permettre une "caption".  L'exemple ne le montre pas.

We need to list of all the features we expect to find in IPOL
articles. This list could be used to produce a complete example, for
tests. I start a list hereafter, add the missing items:

* title, authors, author affiliations
* abstract
* sections and subsections, table of content
* text, paragraphs, footnotes
* bold/italic/teletype font variants
* lists (numbered and unumbered) and description lists
* verbatim text blocks
* external hyperlinks
* math text, in flow $ax+b$ and out of flow $$ax+b$$
* all the AMS math content, symbols, fonts, macros, etc.
* definition, theorem and equation environments with numbering and refs
* images with \includegraphics{}, raster PNG and vector PDF files, in
  the text flow and in a floating figure environment with caption,
  numbering and references
* arrays with {tabular}, in the text flow and in a floating table
  environment with caption, numbering and references
* math {arrays} environment
* bibliography entries with reference

> Question: voir les adresses web http://... en toutes lettres est-il
> nécessaire pour un document pdf: n'y a-t-il pas une manière d'avoir
> cette information cachée mais clickable?

There are clickable links in PDFs, and in most PDF reader you can even
click on a link or copy-paste the address with a right click. But a
PDF is a paper-oriented medium and PDF articles are expected to be
printable, so I think all the useful information should be visible.

In all the articles I have seen, when an address is provided, for
example in the references of the article, it is visible and printed,
not only hidden behind a clickable link.

But these long addresses do not blend in the text, and in fact they
are not text, just references. So I suggest to put them in
footnotes. And the addres can be clickable. And we can also have bots,
ie a clickable link with a footnote containing the clickable URL.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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