[IPOL discuss] library presentations [Re: another image processing library : Leptonica]

David Tschumperlé David.Tschumperle at ensicaen.fr
Sat Feb 4 09:45:57 CET 2012

I would suggest then to invite Thierry Geraud (LRDE, EPITA) who lead the
Olena / Milena project :
He's located at Kremlin-Bicetre, not so far from you :)


2012/2/4 Jean-Michel Morel <morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>

> This is a very good idea. Nicolas, could you put up a list of  experts of
> these projects to invite?
> Jean-Michel
> Nicolas Limare a écrit :
>> On Thu, Feb 02, 2012 at 12:34:54PM +0100, Miguel Colom wrote:
>>> Also, a nice framework that implements some image processing, feature
>>> detection/extraction, clustering, 3D and stereo, camera calibration and
>>> machine learning is OpenCV.
>> It would be nice to have, one day, some presentations of these multiple
>> libraries by people involved in their development. Fore every library
>> we could learn about its goals, content, usage, design, history and
>> examples, in 30 min, questions included.
>> This could be done during one afternoon (3 libs, break, 3 libs). I
>> would like to know more about all these projects from the inside, to
>> be able to compare them, and it would be a good opportunity to meet
>> other development groups.
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