[IPOL discuss] Web dynamic result demonstration

Pierre Moulon pmoulon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 11:57:00 CEST 2012


I want to share with the list a little experiment I have made about "web
real time algorithm result presentation and interaction".

I have made a short demo that shows the epipolar geometry interactively
for a precomputed Fundamental matrix between two images.


Move the yellow point on the left image displays the corresponding right
epipolar line.


Such web based presentation of results can be interesting for our demo on
The main interesting thing is that the computation are made on the client
side, and the display is vector graphics.
So you could zoom on graphs without artifact !

My demo used the JSXGraph <http://jsxgraph.uni-bayreuth.de/wp/>library.
 => Here an example of scatter plotting :

Pierre M
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