[IPOL discuss] G'MICOL : G'MIC Online

David Tschumperlé David.Tschumperle at ensicaen.fr
Fri Oct 12 15:45:50 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

This announce is not directly related to the IPOL project, but I guess you
may be interested by the news anyway.

We (members of the Image team at the GREYC Lab in Caen) has launched the
G'MIC Online web service, allowing users
to apply some filters and image processing operators on images, directly
from a web browser.
This service shares some ideas with the IPOL project (images upload
mechanism, application of IP operators), hence my mail.

You can test the web service at : http://gmicol.greyc.fr

Of course, we use G'MIC to perform the operations (
http://gmic.sourceforge.net). The web service actually looks very close to
plug-in we made for GIMP, with a preview and sliders to change the
algorithm parameters.
Due to your experience on this kind of web service, I was thinking we could
benefit from your skills on this topic. So maybe, if you
have the time to test the service, and tell us what you think about it, it
would be really nice.


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