[IPOL discuss] possible bug in NL-means (ipol)

Antoni Buades toni.buades at uib.es
Mon Oct 15 09:25:32 CEST 2012

Ok, so which is the procedure in order to make the proposed changes by 
Miguel.  Even if the parameters used by miguel and mauricio, bock=win=1, 
are not the ones used in the demo, this overwrite of memory could happen 
in practice.


On 14/10/2012 19:04, Jean-Michel Morel wrote:
> So this is our first bug in a published code in IPOL. Since the 
> published code cannot be changed, we will have to publish the erratum 
> and to change
> the demo code.
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Miguel Colom 
> <Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr 
> <mailto:Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>> wrote:
>     Mauricio and I have done the tests in the same image and we both
>     get the same problem with the current code. When we add our
>     solution, the problem is solved.
>     To show the problem clearly, I've made that the noise generator
>     gives exactly the same noise values, so the difference between the
>     images are caused by the algorithm, not by the noise.
>     I've uploaded a version of the output image (sigma=3, block=win=1)
>     using the current implementation (denoised_err.png) and the same
>     with the corrected code (denoised_corr.png). You can see the bad
>     pixels. One of them is near the third antenna, for example. The
>     image can be downloaded here for comparison:
>     http://dev.ipol.im/~colom/bad_pixels/
>     <http://dev.ipol.im/%7Ecolom/bad_pixels/>
>     Mauricio has also done his own tests with the same parameters and
>     he obtains similar results (bad pixels in the original code and
>     without them with our modification).
>     His images can be downloaded from here:
>     http://dev.ipol.im/~mdelbra/bug/ <http://dev.ipol.im/%7Emdelbra/bug/>
>     Best,
>     Miguel
>     Quoting Jean-Michel Morel <Jean-Michel.Morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
>     <mailto:Jean-Michel.Morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>>:
>         Can you test it on the same image?
>         Best,
>         JM
>         On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Miguel Colom <
>         Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
>         <mailto:Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>> wrote:
>             Dear all,
>             Mauricio and I have found a way to modify the code to
>             avoid the critical
>             sections (SO mutex, slow) and use atomic operations
>             (hardware lock, very
>             fast).
>             The source code as published currently in IPOL is
>             absolutely buggy.
>             So, to correct the code you have to put a "#pragma omp
>             atomic" at the
>             beginning of lines 229 (fpCount[il]++) and another for
>             line 232
>             (fpO[ii][il] += fpODenoised[ii][iindex] / fTotalWeight;)
>             in libdenoising.cpp
>             Best,
>             Miguel
>             Quoting Miguel Colom
>             <Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.**fr<Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
>             <mailto:Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>>
>             >:
>              Hi,
>                 I think the problem is at line 232:
>                  fpO[ii][il] += fpODenoised[ii][iindex] / fTotalWeight;
>                 The fpODenoised is private for every thread, so it's
>                 not problematic.
>                 Perhaps instead of protecting the loop with a critical
>                 section, it'd be
>                 faster to just declare the fpO update at line 232 as
>                 an atomic operation:
>                 #pragma omp atomic
>                 fpO[ii][il] += fpODenoised[ii][iindex] / fTotalWeight;
>                 Best,
>                 Miguel
>                 Quoting Mauricio Delbracio <mdelbra at gmail.com
>                 <mailto:mdelbra at gmail.com>>:
>                  Dear all,
>                     I may have found a bug in the NL-means IPOL
>                     implementation. The
>                     problem is due to parallelism, particularly when
>                     updating shared
>                     values by more than one threading (race condition,
>                     race bug).
>                     In NL-means this happens in the filtered image
>                     (fpO) which is shared
>                     and updated by all the threads. The image is
>                     decomposed in overlapped
>                     patches that are denoised each of them separately,
>                     and then they are
>                     aggregated in the final image (fpO). The problem
>                     is that when the
>                     update of fpO  takes place, may happen that two
>                     overlapped patches
>                     running in different threads try to update the
>                     same memory address.
>                     This not happen very frequently, since it is very
>                     unlikely that two
>                     overlapped patches take the same amount of time to
>                     arrive at that part
>                     of the code...The probability of this to happen
>                     increases if the
>                     search block (the block where similar patches are
>                     searched) is very
>                     small.
>                     To eliminate the bug, the way I found (a.k.a the
>                     easy way) is to
>                     enclose the writing of fpO in a "omp critical"
>                     block. This means that
>                     only one thread at at a time can write in fpO
>                     (there's a loss in
>                     execution time, probably there other ways of
>                     avoiding this problem,
>                     e.g. by using local memory blocks and then update
>                     at the end? i don't
>                     know I'm not really familiar with OpenMP).
>                     I attach a possible patch to libdenoising.cpp.
>                     The block of code I refer is in libdenoising.cpp
>                     between lines 219-238
>                     http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/**2011/bcm_nlm/srcdoc/**
>                     libdenoising_8cpp_source.html<http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2011/bcm_nlm/srcdoc/libdenoising_8cpp_source.html>
>                     I also attach an image showing the effect of the
>                     bug (parameters
>                     bloc=1, win=1) and some pixels that I manually marked.
>                     I appreciate any feedback (there are surely many
>                     OpenMP experts  in
>                     this mailing-list), so let me know what you think.
>                     best
>                     m
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