[IPOL discuss] [IPOL] bye bye fuchsia, hello purple

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sun Sep 30 05:48:36 CEST 2012

[This message is sent to the discuss at list.ipol.im mailing list and to
 every user account on the fuchsia server. Sorry for the possible

Dear all,

Last month I announced the opening if the new development server "in
September", so I am just in time today and glad to inform you that
this server is now open.

The new server is named "purple", and hosted by our colleagues at the
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo,
Uruguay. The new machine has the same hardware configuration as
the public demo server, except for the hard disk size.

Fuchsia user accounts have been copied on purple, and you can already
use them. You can connect with SSH on purple.hw.ipol.im, port 2332,
using the same username and SSH key as with fuchsia.

    $ ssh -p 2332 USERNAME at purple.hw.ipol.im

or simply

    $ ssh purple

if you add this configuraton to your ~/.ssh/config file:

    host purple
      hostname purple.hw.ipol.im
      user USERNAME
      port 2332
      identityfile /PATH/TO/YOUR/SSH/KEY

For the moment, it's only a preliminary test. Your accounts on purple
are empty, we did not copy your data from fuchsia. Moreover, there is
no web service on purple for the moment, no web demos, and
http://dev.ipol.im is still based on fuchsia.

You can test the connexion, the network speed, do some compilation and
computations there, etc. Very few software packages are installed so
far, ask to tech at ipol.im if you need something.

If everything is fine, I intend to complete the migration next week,
- open http://dev.ipol.im/ on purple with the homepages, demos and git
- copy all the user data from fuchsia to purple
- close fuchsia

This means that the data stored on purple during this week will be
replaced by data from fuchsia next week, so don't store important
things on purple for the moment. I will send another message before
and after the final migration.

As usual, for any question regarding this machine -> tech at ipol.im.


PS: It may be tempting to use this powerful machine to run your long
    computations and simulations, but this is not the goal of
    purple. This server is shared among 40+ users for the development
    of tools and software related to IPOL, not for intensive
    compuations. If you computation takes more than half of the CPUs
    for more than 30 seconds, or if it takes more than 2G RAM,
    it must not be run on fuchsia; please see your local computation
    resources instead.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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