[IPOL discuss] Repository of test images

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Fri Mar 15 15:39:09 CET 2013


> in order to ensure reproducibility, do you think that is it worth to
> create a repository of test images in IPOL?
> I think that having a page on IPOL from which you could download the
> images (or a whole set), along with a short description would be
> interesting.

More than a page or repository, I think this dataset should be
published as an article, like what has already been done for a 3D scan
dataset: http://dx.doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2011.dalmm_ps

A reliable, well described and well identified dataset is a valuable
scientific asset, it deserves a reliable identifier (DOI) and some

> Something like this:
> - <Image>
> - Image: traffic.png
> - Description: color noise-free image taken with a Canon EOS-30D
> with ISO 1250, exposure time t=1/30s and noise remove using the
> zoom-out procedure [REF].

... and aperture and lense and color balance and .... In fact, he best
solution is to provide all the content of the meaningful original EXIF
data. EXIF can probably be exported to a machine-readable XML file and
a human-readable text format.

> - SHASUM: abdba50972febd26dad7666c042f3673f1138f5b

Usually, I see both checksums used: SHA1SUM and MD5SUM, because both
have some known weaknesses. On the other hand, these checksums
uidentify the file, not the image. I am wondering if we could provide
a checksum information independant from the (lossless) file format
(PNG and TIFF for example), but still easy to use for anyone.

By the way, I started sonme discussions with datadryad.org, to use
their infrastructure to store heavy datasets published in IPOL. Still
discussing and considering the options for the moment.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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