[IPOL discuss] Démo de la méthode K_SVD

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Oct 23 20:38:19 CEST 2013

Dear all,

> According to the logs of the server, there isn't any problem with
> the execution of the binary, and therefore it's likely that it's the
> demo system that is stopping the process.
> I've seen your previous message about the K-SVD demo and it seems
> that it's exactly the same issue.
> Normally the demo system stops the execution for two reasons:
> - The demo execution takes too much time to complete. In general, no
> more than one minute is allowed.
> - The program demands too much memory.
> In the case of the K-SVD demo, I'm quite sure it's related to the
> memory usage policy. And also in the case of the Ponomarenko demo.

It's not the "demo system" (ie python code) that is stopping processes
demanding too much memory, it is the operating system kernel. I think
these interrupted processes result in error messages appearing in the
logs, like segmentation faults, so if you did not see error messages I
think it's not a memory problem. To be sure, we would need an example
of the input data and settings.

> Therefore, I forward this question to the @Tech team (and also the
> Discuss list): should we allow the programs to use more resources?
> 1Gb is clearly too small for Noise Estimation and Denoising demos,
> even for small images.

1Gb is what we ask to the authors and the general rule in the
softeware guidelines. But on the demo server, the limit is at 4Gb.
(cf /etc/init.d/ipol_demo)

And for the general discussion, could you elaborate on why denoising
methods need more than 1G memory? I have no opinion on this point, but
I would like to understand where this memory need comes from. 1Gb is
more than 130 million double-precision variables.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL journal                                             http://www.ipol.im/
-> image processing, reproducible research, open science
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