[IPOL discuss] Access to stat on total number of demo archive

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Apr 16 16:42:41 CEST 2014

Quoting Bertrand Kerautret <bertrand.kerautret at univ-lorraine.fr>:
> Hi everybody,
> Just to know if there is simple way to access to the total number of  
> archive associated to a demonstration (more simple than greping "X  
> public archive" from the html code) ?
> My purpose is for instance to automatically check this number from  
> another server and alert authors by email when new test is applied.
> Thank in advance.
> Bertrand

Hi Bertrand,
there's an SQLite file at the directory "archive" of each demo: index.db

Your question arises again the problem of the lack of a common API in IPOL.
Then, how to retrieve the number of experiments of a given demo? In my  
opinion, this should be done via a webservice that isolates from the  
SQLite operations.

For example, it could be obtained with an URL like, for example  
http://www.ipol.im/webservice/stat?demo=123 and receiving a JSON  
response with all the information about the demo.

In fact, I think that everything should be done that way, splitting  
the demo system into several independent modules.

Therefore, if we want to add this new feature, it's the good time to  
start with the webservices.


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