[IPOL discuss] Pb with doubly gzipped file in the demo

Julie Digne julie.digne at liris.cnrs.fr
Thu Apr 17 09:28:34 CEST 2014

Following miguel's advice I replaced gzip with zip and with zip it works 

I rechanged back to gzip and I still have the problem. Apparently

You can download both zip and gzip versions of an experiment at the 
following url:


You'll see that the gzip is compressed twice.

On 04/17/2014 03:52 AM, Nicolas Limare wrote:
>> Meanwhile, some administrator of Purple may investigate this
>> problem.
> I tried something, do you still have the problem?
> (I still would like an example)
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Julie Digne
Chargée de Recherche - CNRS
LIRIS-Géomod, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bâtiment Nautibus
8, Bd Niels Bohr
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tel : (+33) (0)4 72 43 14 34
Fax : (+33) (0)4 72 43 15 36
julie.digne at liris.cnrs.fr

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