[IPOL discuss] Access to stat on total number of demo archive

Bertrand Kerautret bertrand.kerautret at univ-lorraine.fr
Thu Apr 17 11:54:06 CEST 2014

> Good way to start something! I sent you a github pull request with
> some proposed changes
> (https://github.com/kerautret/ipol_webservice/pull/1) but this is
> mostly for the sake of playing with this code, I understand it's a
> simple example.
Yes thank, it is merged (I just change a path to be working again).

> I think this could be build into the demo service; is there a reason
> to prefer two different codes?
Initially Miguel idea was to split the demo system but perhaps it could 
more convenient to integrate in the main service. The split solution 
allows the possibility to start/stop the api web service without 
interruption for demo service (however cherrypy looks good to reload 
page without interruption) or to give priority by server access (but not 
sure that it is really a problem actually ;) ).

> Build into the demo systrem, it could be, for example, some python code
> in an /api subfolder of the base demo folder mounted by cherrypy as
> /api when the demo service starts. We could gradually expand this code
> to collect multiple info about the demos, then act on the demo
> (send/get data, run, etc).
Yes it could be interesting to have live information from demo activity.

> It could be better to call the demo.app objects from these api methods
> to avoid duplicate information, but this is an implementation
> detail. And there should probably be an api version number, to allow
> evolutions without damaging the past. Simply /api/v1/... is enough.
Agree and some stats can be interesting to be included in some demo pages.
If you want (and if all are ok) I can try to test to include it in the 
main demo system.


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