[IPOL discuss] Fast image loading

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Sep 8 08:46:56 CEST 2014

Hi Miguel,
This indeed is quite useful.
Thank you

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Miguel Colom <
Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> wrote:

> Dear all,
> as you may have noticed in the demos, sometimes there's a delay between
> the time you click on an image of the demo and the time the parameters page
> appears.
> This is caused by internal format conversions performed by the demo system
> to ensure that the binary program will receive the images in the format it
> needs and also to create versions of the images that can be displayed on
> the web with the proper sizes.
> However, most of the time these kind of conversions are not needed. For
> example, if the input image is PNG, it doesn't need to be converted again
> into PNG. Also, most of the these operations can be executed in parallel.
> So, I did these changes:
> - Parallelization of all conversions that can be performed at the same
> time.
> - Only convert input files is necessary. If not, just copy the input
> (after a security check, of course).
> Therefore, from now you should observe a drastic increase in the images
> loading speed.
> Of course, if conversions are needed (say, the input image is JPEG and the
> binary needs PNG), the process will slow down, but it will be parallelized
> anyway.
> In case of PNG images (the format that most of the demos and users
> prefer), the performance is now really improved.
> Best,
> Miguel
> PS: this change has affected files base_app.py and image.py in lib/
> --
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