[IPOL discuss] [IPOL announce] new article: The Noise Clinic: a Blind Image Denoising Algorithm

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Wed Jan 28 23:16:03 CET 2015

A new article is available in IPOL: http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2015/125/

Marc Lebrun, Miguel Colom, and Jean-Michel Morel,
The Noise Clinic: a Blind Image Denoising Algorithm,
Image Processing On Line,  (2015), pp. 1–54.

This paper describes the complete implementation of a blind image 
algorithm, that takes any digital image as input. In a first step the 
algorithm estimates a Signal and Frequency Dependent (SFD) noise model. 
In a second step, the image is denoised by a multiscale adaptation of 
the Non-local Bayes denoising method. We focus here on a careful 
analysis of the denoising step and present a detailed discussion of the 
influence of its parameters. Extensive commented tests of the blind 
denoising algorithm are presented, on real JPEG images and scans of old 

IPOL - Image Processing On Line   - http://ipol.im/

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