[IPOL discuss] [IPOL edit] Reproducibility of Computation Based Research: Languages, Standards, Methodologies and Platforms

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu Mar 26 08:20:03 CET 2015

Dear IPOL contributors,
Some of us should attend this conference on reproducible research (in
Paris!) and propose a talk to describe IPOL.  I'll of course help, I made a
report on IPOL a few months ago that can be transformed into a
Can one or two of you  volunteer to prepare and submit the paper to the

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Nicolas Limare <
nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> wrote:

> A workshop organised by people from http://www.execandshare.org/
> (ex-RunMyCode), Paris, July 28-30.
> http://www.ntms-conf.org/ntms-2015/index.php/workshops/reproducibility-of-computation-based-research-workshop
> RCBR2015
> Reproducibility of Computation Based Research:  Languages, Standards,
> Methodologies and Platforms
> Joint event with NTMS15
> Scientific Reproducibility refers to the ability of obtaining the same
> results, obtained previously, by applying the identical methods and
> experimental conditions used to obtain the original results.  In the
> context of computation based research i.e. when computer codes are
> used to produce or demonstrate the research findings, methods and
> experimental conditions include, among others things, data, codes and
> computation environment specifications. However, research findings are
> often showed by publishing scientific paper only. This leads to tricky
> issues of reproducibility which in turn could lead to many
> difficulties in knowledge transfer and even to a crisis of
> credibility.
> The workshop is expected to provide an opportunity for researchers to
> meet and discuss the latest solutions, scientific results and methods
> in solving intriguing problems in the field of computation based
> research reproducibility. The workshop covers all aspects related to
> the standardization, development, assessment, deployment, operation
> and sustainability of research oriented solutions and systems. Topics
> include, but are not limited to:
> Data and code Repositories for research
> Reproducibility platforms and tools
> Standardization and reproducibility criterions
> Cross domain reproducibility
> Traceability, versioning and authors’ rights
> Research Verifiability
> Research Reusability
> Research sustainability
> Code Testability
> Research Oriented Domain Specific Languages
> Experimentation methods description and Preservation.
> Continuous  integration
> --
> Nicolas LIMARE
> http://nicolas.limare.net/
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