[IPOL discuss] IPOL poll: Angular JS cross-browser compatibility

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Feb 15 11:33:29 CET 2016

Thank you very much to all of you who have spent a bit of your time  
testing the new system and given your feedback.

It's really useful for us, since it allows to see the behavior of the  
system over many different systems. Of course, the goal is to make it  
work for any of them, when possible.

If it doesn't work in a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian (as noted by  
Bertrand in one of the tests) it's indeed bad and we'll work on trying  
to make it work, even if it's not the most common system (I have two  
at one, though).
It's way much more worrying the feedback from José Luis saying that it  
doesn't work on an IPad with Safari. It should, of course, and we'll  
fix this.
And the bad visualization shown by Pascal needs to be fixed too.

The poll and the discuss on this topic is open, so everybody is  
invited to send comments at any time.

All the best,

PS: I have also this feedback from Ives, which wasn't sent to the list.
It's worrying, too.

'Page not available' when I clicked upload
'Page not available' whenever now
On my brand new nexus 5x

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