[IPOL discuss] IPOL poll: Angular JS cross-browser compatibility

José Luis Lisani joseluis.lisani at uib.es
Wed Feb 17 12:22:13 CET 2016

Hi all,

regarding the problem of the new demo system on my Ipad, it seems it was 
with the internet connection at my university. It worked fine from home.

José Luis

El 17/2/16 a las 12:18, Karl Krissian escribió:
> Hi all,
> I recently subscribed to the list so I cannot easily just reply to a 
> previous post.
> Thank you for your feedback on the compatibility of the current IPOL 
> demo prototype.
> I have created a small document in google drive to summarize the 
> experiments:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kAVeTvpaeQBpO6w0InLLAZcgkOp07WeiHbKcvgIWsGo/edit?usp=sharing
> I hope I have fixed the image shift that appears on some browsers by 
> changing the HTML code to a more standard code, let me know.
> When the demo does not work at all (no images, etc...) it could be 
> useful to get the error output from the browser, usually it means 
> opening the development tools of the browser (in chrome in French 
> menu-> plus d'outils -> outils de développement), if possible.
> I will keep you informed about other changes and I will be at the CMLA 
> next week from Tuesday to Thursday,
> Best,
> Karl
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