[IPOL discuss] A library of python bindings for IPOL algorithms

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu May 5 11:13:38 CEST 2016

Dear all,
yes of course, it suffices to add the link to the source code which  
includes the bindings and put it as Additional Material. It should be  
added a text explaining that it is extra material providing bindings  
and not the original peer-reviewed source code.

Python is (in my very personal opinion) one of the best languages  
nowadays and it's widely used. Thus, it seems quite reasonable to  
provide such bindings.
Also, the programs will have a Python interface to interact with them,  
and at the same time they will use fast compiled C/C++ code.


Quoting Jean-Michel Morel <moreljeanmichel at gmail.com>:

> Dear Martin, and all,
> This seems to me very important as many potential users of the algorithms
> do not use C++.
> Thus I would suggest to José Luis and Miguel to consider including the link
> to the Python interface in the web page of each paper for which it is ready.
> Miguel and José  Luis, is that possible?
> Best,
> Jean-Michel
> Jean-Michel Morel
> moreljeanmichel at gmail.com
> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:11 AM, martin de la gorce <
> martin.delagorce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have started a project on Github (
>> https://github.com/martinResearch/PyIPOL) that aims at providing a python
>> interface to each of the algorithms that are on IPOL with an example for
>> each algorithm.
>> I think that having Python bindings for the IPOL algorithms can be
>> interesting to people who want to  test easily and integrate quickly these
>> codes in their applications written in python or in order to script tests
>> easily . The goal is to put it on the official python packages index
>> website (https://pypi.python.org/pypi) which could potentially increase
>> the visibility of the IPOL algorithms.
>> I have for now interfaced about a dozen of papers and the goal is to get
>> almost all of the IPOL papers interfaced with python. Most of the
>> interfaces have been done by calling the original executable with temporary
>> files. Some bindings have been written using Cython.
>> Adding a paper takes between 15 min and an hour, depending on the
>> complexity of the input/output formats for the executable. Writing the code
>> to get nice drawings of the results in python might take a bit of time when
>> there is not yet another paper that perform a similar task already
>> interfaced on whose code can be reused (drawing point matches for images of
>> different sizes for example, or optical flow vector fields).
>> I invite you to install a test my bindings and to make suggestions for
>> improvements and contribute by adding articles (I have tried to simplify as
>> much as possible the steps and to document them in detail).
>> Best regards
>> Martin de La Gorce
>> http://imagine.enpc.fr/~de-la-gm/
>> --
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