[IPOL discuss] [IPOL announce] new article: Semiogram: a Visual Tool for Gait Quantification in Routine Neurological Follow-Up

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Sat Feb 1 18:40:56 CET 2025

A new article is available in IPOL: https://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2025/535/

Cyril Voisard, Nicolas de l'Escalopier, Damien Ricard, and Laurent Oudre,
Semiogram: a Visual Tool for Gait Quantification in Routine Neurological 
Image Processing On Line, 15 (2025), pp. 1–19. 

In this work, we present an innovative multidimensional tool developed 
for gait evaluation and monitoring in patients with neurological 
disorders in routine clinical practice using Inertial Sensors, named 
semiogram. It has previously been published and validated by Voisard et 
al. [C. Voisard, N. de l'Escalopier, A. Vienne-Jumeau, A. Moreau, F. 
Quijoux, F. Bompaire, M. Sallansonnet, M-L. Brechemier, I. Taifas, C. 
Tafani, E. Drouard, N. Vayatis, D. Ricard and L. Oudre, Innovative 
Multidimensional Gait Evaluation using IMU in Multiple Sclerosis: 
introducing the Semiogram, Frontiers in Neurology, 2023]. This tool 
offers a quantitative semiological analysis based on average speed and 
16 other gait parameters, grouped into 7 criteria recognized in the 
literature: sturdiness, springiness, steadiness, stability, smoothness, 
synchronization, and symmetry. The provided visualization aims to 
facilitate easy interpretation by the clinician.

IPOL - Image Processing On Line   - http://ipol.im/

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