Recent changes to this wiki:

[doc/demo.mdwn; ref/author_manual.mdwn] updated info on IPOL demos; removed references and info on old demo system
[ref/manuscript_guidelines] recompiled .tex file so it displays bibliographic references
[ref] updated manuscript guidelines
[ref/editor_checklist] minor change
[test push]
[ref] added new editors checklist and demo checklist; updated index
[ref] test update manuscript and software guidelines
[ref] updated manuscript and software guidelines
[ref] updated manuscript and software guidelines
[ref] updated manuscript and software guidelines
[software_guidelines] fixed typos in software_guidelines.mdwn
[software_guidelines] minor change in list of changes with respect to previous version
[author_manual] add title to page
[ref/software_guidelines] workaround to fix problem with inline HTML
[ref/software_guidelines] workaround to fix problem with inline HTML
[ref/software_guidelines] workaround to fix problem with inline HTML
[ref/software_guidelines] workaround to fix problem with inline HTML
[ref/software_guidelines] workaround to fix problem with inline HTML
[ref/software_guidelines] updated guidelines
[author_manual] updated manual
[author_manual] updated manual
[author_manual] updated manual
[author_manual] testJL
[author_manual] testJL
[ref/author_manual] testJL
[ref/author_manual] test with old html version of manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
[author_manual; tmpl.tex] changes to author manual
Fixed typo in link to mt git repository
[swg 103] add links to compliant examples
[swg] draft for 1.03
swg 103 start draft
add matlab code example
(force recompilation of markdown, again)
Force markdown update of
yet another minor edit
minor edit
creating tag page tag/admin/server/blue
creating tag page tag/admin/server/black
creating tag page tag/admin/server/aqua
creating tag page tag/admin/server/gray
creating tag page tag/admin/server/mwhost
capitalize first words in an index
mark inline place with html comments
[software_guidelines] put inline back
[software_guidelines] remove inline altogether
[software_guidelines] add fuller path to !inline
[ipol-swg] fix typo on an URL
xxx_axpb in doc/example
Update system requirements according to the software guidelines
better info on shared git repos
add time limits
ulimit help
updated axpb
new io_png
fix link
new LaTeX class (0.4.3)
add missing io_png source
fix link
single source
reworked manuscript guidelines
don't need user/pwd
full link with user/pwd
user/pwd in link
static files
renamed verbose tuto
refactored templates doc
use latest latex class
timeout and web safety
+volume info