[IPOL discuss] a logo for IPOL

asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es
Wed Oct 13 00:21:15 CEST 2010

Dear everybody,

   I send this email to give my opinion about IPOL logo. In previous  
mails have proposed three logos and it has been opened a vote for the  

   I don't like any of the proposed logos because in my opinion a logo  
should enclose the topic behind IPOL. IPOL is a network of algorithms  
and demos. IPOL tries to make accessible image processing knowledge  
through a set of publications. In the future this knowledge will  
increase and it will be interconnected.

In this mail I would like to offer some alternatives. The images are  
just suggestions.

*) Ilogo1. This logo symbolizes through a series of points the IPOL  
knowledge and how that knowledge is interconnected/relationed. "IPOL"  
word would be in the logo.

*) Ilogo2. This logo is a variant of the previous one.

*) Ilogo3, ilogo4. This kind of logo is my favorite. Why is not the  
IPOL logo an article. The logo could be an image or a set of connected  
points that is the result of an equation, for instance, that  
represents the motion of a fluid.

   The IPOL logo publication will offer the code and a demo where the  
logo can be obtained (with a default parameter or changed through  
modifying some parameters). This logo could be changed by 3D or  
dynamic, the result of the equation different time steps.

*) Ilogo5. Should the logo  include the name of "Ipol" or the URL "Ipol.im."?

  In my opinion a logo is not just a picture but must reflect essence  
of the journal.

Best regards,

    Agustín Salgado

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