[IPOL discuss] citations in IPOL articles

Pascal Getreuer getreuer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 12:19:38 CET 2011

I have a question: is there a good way to include citations in IPOL articles?

I have found a method for doing this, but it is rather ugly.  Here is
an example:

  "# References
  1. Historic paper
  2. Another paper


  The proof of this result can be found in <a href="#index2h1">[1]</a>."

The link makes the citation "[1]" clickable (similar to what LaTeX
hyperref does).  The "index2h1" happens to be the name field of the
References header, which I found by looking at the HTML generated by

A downside of this approach is that citations are enumerated manually,
which makes it difficult and error-prone to reorder them.  A second
potential problem is with the internal link "index2h1," I am assuming
that IkiWiki will generate that name for the References header, rather
than specifying this name myself.

Is there a better way to do this?


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