[IPOL discuss] IEEE floating point images

Gabriele Facciolo gfacciol at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 09:26:00 CEST 2011

I've just had a nice surprise:
It turns out that PIL (Python Imaging Library) DOES support reading
and writing TIFF_f32 since 2006,
but only for a single channel images  (PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py)

This is good because at least we can use PIL to handle the conversion
of the inputs/outputs of the algorithms.
And as Nicolas said, we can also patch TiffImagePlugin to support
multichannel TIFFs.


It is very difficult to find f32 tiffs out there, here is one:

from PIL import Image
a =  Image.open('village1l.c1.512.disp.tif')

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:21 AM, Nicolas Limare
<nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> > My understanding is that the IPOL io_tiff library is currently limited
> > internally to reading and writing with 8-bit data.
> If your are talking about the io_tiff code available on
> http://www.ipol.im/meta/dev/, this code, contributed by Pascal
> Monasse, reads and writes IEEE single-precision data.
> > For reading, it uses libtiff's simple TIFFReadRGBAImage function to
> > read the data.  This function reads and converts all data formats to
> > red-green-blue-alpha using 8 bits per component.  The read_tiff_f32
> > function then converts the 8-bit data to 32-bit floating point.
> No, it reads with TIFFReadScanline() and writes with TIFFWriteScanline()
> -> http://dev.ipol.im/git/?p=nil/io_tiff.git;a=blob;f=io_tiff.c
> I think you are talking about an older io_tiff code, which was used
> for integer images, but is not distributed on IPOL (PNG is the way to
> go with integer images).
> > > I am using the reading and writing functions ("write_tiff_f32()")
> > > provided by IPOL. Does anyone if it is fine ?
> Pascal wrote it, so he can probably answer your question. Be sure to
> use the real float code from http://www.ipol.im/meta/dev/, not the
> bad 'integer-values-as-float' one.
> >> Also, I understand that using "1x8i" or "3x8i" for "input_dtype" in app.py
> >> corresponds to using 8-bit gray-scale or 3x8-bit color images. Does that
> >> mean that all images are converted to 8-bit-kind images?
> Yes. All input images received by the ipol demos are converted to
> 8bit, because:
> * 99.99% of the images people have on their computers are integer
>  images (actually, the number is probably 99.999999...);
> * there is no reliable support in the conversion code (either using
>  Python Imaging Library or imagemagick tools) to read or write float TIFF.
> >> Does anyone have a simple solution?
> * read integer images, because that's what IPOL demos can handle
>  and that's what people will submit
> * convert to float and process float data
> * write float images (TIFF float, Pascal's io_tiff should be OK) *and*
>  approached integer images for www visualization (I think PNG is
>  better, use io_png)
> This is a short-term mixed strategy.
> If you really need to read float data from the IPOL demos, this is
> impossible until we have reliable TIFF float support in external
> tools. We would need a way to convert any uploaded image (including
> integer jpeg and png) to a TIFF float. Anyone volunteers to contribute
> to PIL and imagemagick?
> --
> Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
> IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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