[IPOL discuss] IEEE floating point images

Pascal Monasse monasse at imagine.enpc.fr
Fri Jun 3 09:14:10 CEST 2011

Hi Jerome,

As Nicolas said, read_tiff_f32() et write_tiff_f32() are for single channel float 
data. They work perfectly in the sense that any image written with 
write_tiff_f32() is correctly read by read_tiff_f32(). But it does not support 
reading a TIFF file coded in tiles. Anyway, since you are very unlikely to meet 
a float TIFF written by another application, there should be no surprise.

It would quite simple to extend it to double data, but I doubt anybody would 
really need it. Multiple channels would also be easy to add.
If you have integer images, you'd better use PNG.


On Wednesday, June 01, 2011 03:06:56 PM Jerome Darbon wrote:
> Hi,
>      I'd like to save and read images that have IEEE single floating
> point values through IPOL.
> I am using the reading and writing functions ("write_tiff_f32()")
> provided by IPOL. Does anyone if it is fine ?
> Also, I understand that using "1x8i" or "3x8i" for "input_dtype" in
> app.py corresponds to using 8-bit gray-scale or 3x8-bit color images.
> Does that
> mean that all images are converted to 8-bit-kind images?
> Does anyone have a simple solution?
> Regards,
> jerome
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