[IPOL discuss] Search text box

Miguel Colom Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon May 9 15:15:28 CEST 2011

>> just a little suggestion. The text box to search in the IPOL website
>> (upper right) shows the text "Search" but it doesn't clear itself when
>> the
>> user enters some text. This is quite annoying and it should be
>> corrected.
> If you (or anyone) send me the javascript code to do it, I will
> include it in the web site. Or we can use the HTML5 "placeholder"
> attribute.
> -> http://diveintohtml5.org/forms.html

I think that adding an "onfocus" attribute will do its job:

<input type="text" value="search" id="searchbox" size="16" name="q"

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