[IPOL discuss] Ipol and Dataset

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sat May 28 12:41:44 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I think a categorization of the papers cannot be but temporary and will 
adapt to the future submissions. The current fully disorganized list 
does not seem a good solution.  For some time we can maintain all the 
information in the main page by removing the abstracts.  If there is 
space the author names will be maintained and when it is no more 
possible to keep all titles on the page we will only keep the topics. 
Thus it is important that the classification be as comprehensive and 
clear as possible. The topics I am proposing  fit the existing workshops 
but also the two dozens articles in course of redaction.

Workshops and accepted articles should be mixed, with the mentions 
"article" or "workshop" or "data set" to distinguish them.
Please, comment and correct.  I am using the "robust" division between 
Image Processing and Computer Vision.


Image  interpolation and sampling
-Image Interpolation with Contour Stencils
-Image Interpolation with Geometric Contour Stencils
-Linear Methods for Image Interpolation
-Roussos-Maragos Tensor-Driven Diffusion for Image Interpolation

Image demosaicking
-Self-Similarity Driven Demosaicking
-Zhang-Wu LMMSE Image Demosaicking
-Malvar-He-Cutler Linear Image Demosaicking
-Gunturk-Altunbasak-Mersereau Alternating Projections Image Demosaicking

Image denoising
-Non-local Means Denoising
-DCT image denoising: a simple and effective image denoising algorithm
-Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Total Variation Denoising

Camera calibration
-Non-parametric sub-pixel local point spread function estimation
-Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation

Color and contrast
-Image color cube dimensional filtering and visualization
-Simplest Color Balance
-Local Color Correction
-Retinex Poisson Equation: a Model for Color Perception

3D point set processing
-Farman Institute 3D Point Sets - High Precision 3D Data Sets

-Quasi-Euclidean Epipolar Rectification

Image matching and registration
-ASIFT: An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison

Image analysis: features
-LSD: a Line Segment Detector
-Image Curvature Microscope
-A Real Time Morphological Snakes Algorithm
-Finite Difference Schemes for MCM and AMSS

Texture:  analysis and synthesis
-Cartoon+Texture Image Decomposition
-Random phase noise

Nicolas Limare a écrit :
>> Following the recent post about 3D point cloud data.
>> Does it have sense to open a "Dataset section" in IPOL rather than put it in
>> the algo section ?
> There is no "algo" section. There are 2 categories, "articles" and
> "workshops".
> We will create some sections to organize the content of these 2
> categories: denoising, demosaicing, color correction, ... data sets
> will be one of there sections. 
> We just need to
> 1. compile a good list of sections for all the IPOL content
> 2. implement these sections in the IPOL web
> Your propositions are welcome for the point 1.
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