[IPOL discuss] small compilation error in LSD code (ubuntu 11.10)

Pascal Monasse monasse at imagine.enpc.fr
Wed Nov 16 14:03:03 CET 2011

On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 01:22:27 PM Nicolas Limare wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 12:38:36PM +0100, Pascal Monasse wrote:
> > Me too. Switching to gcc 4.6 opened Pandora's box, with lots of bugs. I
> > know also this is for my own good, but this is not very pleasant when it
> > happens...
> Does gcc 4.6 give more errors and warnings than the previous version
> and warnings when called with
>     -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror
> or is the difference only in the default set of errors and warnings
> reported in basic compilation (without standard and warning option)?
> Next (masochistic) test: compile with different compilers, such as icc
> (gcc-compatible front-end), suncc (completely different compiler),
> msvc...

No, my main problems were due to the linker, and not always trivially solved. 
MKL was really problematic.

Concerning compilation, VTK (a not very old version) did not compile, though 
the fix was not that hard.

But anyway, this is not really related to IPOL.

Concerning msvc, I test regularly, and I find it very helpful : the warnings 
are really different from those of gcc.

By the way, is it difficult to install different compilers on the same machine ? 
Are they all binary compatible ? That is, if I build a library with one 
compiler, can I link it to my object file compiled with a different compiler ?


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