[IPOL discuss] courve 1D visualisée comme points d'une image.

Pierre Moulon pmoulon at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 13:57:47 CEST 2011

I suggest also this python library : http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/

Le 25 octobre 2011 13:48, Miguel Colom <Miguel.Colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> a
écrit :

> > Hola Miguel,
> >
> > Probé de visualisar mis señales audio como puntos de una imagen
> > utilisando *Plotutils
> > Package*.
> >
> > Sabes si para IPOL hay que utilizar otro plot 2D ? Cual ?
> >
> > Mil gracias,
> > Eva.
> Hello Eva and everybody,
> I'll answer your question and also send it to the discuss list so
> everybody can know about it.
> For IPOL we'll have a standard way to create 2D plots. It have to be used
> the "draw2Dcurve.py" script. This scripts exposes a known interface that
> isolates the details of the drawing implementation (using GNUPlot,
> Matplotlib, C programs, etc).
> This script is only used in the dev. server right now, so before
> installing any demo that uses plots in the server, it has to be discussed
> where to store it. I leave this decision to the tech team.
> Right now the script is located at /home/colom/ipol/scripts/draw2Dcurve.py
> in the dev. server. The same file can be downloaded from
> http://dev.ipol.im/~colom/tools/scripts/draw2Dcurve.py
> If a demo in the dev. server whats to use it, it should execute
> /home/colom/ipol/scripts/draw2Dcurve.py and should NEVER make a copy the
> script. Creating a soft symbolic link is all right too.
> Of course, it can be downloaded and executed in a local environment to
> test it.
> The script accepts several options. I'll only explain those that need some
> explanation.
> Usage: draw2Dcurve.py [options]
>  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
>  --output=OUTPUT    output PNG file
>  --title=TITLE      title
>  --xName=XNAME      X-axis name
>  --yName=YNAME      Y-axis name
>  --x0=X0            X-axis first value
>  --x1=X1            X-axis last value
>  --y0=Y0            Y-axis first value
>  --y1=Y1            Y-axis last value
>  --legend=LEGEND    Legend for each data channel
> If legends are used, they will be put inside the plot. They must be
> separated by comma. Ex: --legend="Red,Green,Blue"
>  --grid=GRID        use grid
>  --markers=MARKERS  use markers
> To use/don't use grid and markers, these options must be set to 1
> (activate) or 0 (don't use).
>  --style=STYLE      use custom line style
> It refers to the style of the lines. For every line, it has to be
> specified a color and a line style. For example: --style='r,-,g,-,b,--'
> would draw red solid lines, a green solid line and a blue dashed line.
> An example of invocation:
> draw2Dcurve.py combined.txt --legend='t-R,t-G,t-B,s-R,s-G,s-B'
> --style='r,-,g,-,b,-,r,--,g,--,b,--' --xName='Mean' --yName='Standard
> deviation' --title="Temp. series (t) and single im. est. (s)" --markers=0
> --output=figure.png
> It draws a plot with 6 lines. The first 3 lines are red, green and blue
> solid and the other 3 red, blue and blue dashed.
> The input file format is:
> X1 X2 ... Xn Y1 Y2 ... Yn
> where each Xi is a column representing the X-axis values and the each Yi
> the Y-axis values.
> In http://dev.ipol.im/~colom/tools/scripts/example2DData.txt there's an
> example of input file.
> Best,
> Miguel
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