[IPOL discuss] IPOL demo generator ready ...

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sat Sep 10 17:33:58 CEST 2011

Dear all,

This is very important and should be tested by several volunteers, for 
example by recreating demos similar to the existing or the ones in the 
dev server.

The demo classes 0 and 1 cover a good part of our demos; if we can have 
them all in exactly the same format, this will be a great maintenance 

Who volunteers for the testing?

Agust'in Salgado a écrit :
> Dear all,
>   the generator demo is ready (
> http://dev.ipol.im/~asalgado/ipol/demo_generator/). It creates a folder with
> the html pages (input, params, wait, result), the "app.py" and "local.py"
> files from the information specified in the interface. The SAVE and LOAD
> features (buttons) work as well.
>   In the folder created by the "demo generator" you can find the following
> files:
>    |- "app.py".     This file is created automatically. It does not need to
> be modified. This file obtains a score of 8.50 with pylint.
>    |- "__init__.py". This file is created automatically. It does not need to
> be modified.
>    |- "template" folder. This folder is created automatically. It does not
> need to be modified.
>    |- "local.py".   This file is created automatically. It must be changed
> (or replaced) adding the python commands necessary  to call the demo
> binaries. This file will be different in each demo.
>    |- "input" folder. The contents of this folder must be modified by hand
> (adding the input images files and modifying the index.cfg). In the future
> this folder will be created automatically.
>   When the demo is built, two files can be downloaded.
>    *) "Demo server file". It stores a folder with the demo server (app/,
> lib/, demo.py, ...).
>    *) "Demo file generated". It stores a folder with the demo  (input/,
> template/, app.py, local.py, ...). This folder must be copied in the "app/"
> folder (Demo server).
>   In the first page (http://dev.ipol.im/~asalgado/ipol/demo_generator/) you
> can find three demo samples (the files required to build easily the demo).
> The three files are:
>     1) "config file". This file contains the data (interface data,
> parameters, build info, ...) needed to build the demo.  You download this
> file and "load" from your local disk.
>     2) "local.py". This file contains the "run_algo" function that calls the
> demo binaries. This file must be copied to the demo folder.
>     3) "input folder". This file contains the "input" folder. This folder
> must be copied to the demo folder.
>   Two different types demos are available:
>   *) DEMO: 0 params, image 2D (LSD: a Line Segment Detector)
>   *) DEMO: 1 params + 1 subimage, image 2D (Non-Local Means Denoising)
>   I wanted to include more samples but the source files are not easily to
> compile. This "demo generator" assumes that the binaries files will be
> created in the same folder where the source files are. However, I found
> different sources files configurations:
>      a) The source files are placed in a folder and when you compile the
> binaries are created in the same folder.
>      b) The source files are placed in a folder and when you compile the
> binaries are created in other folder.
>      c) The source files are placed in different folders and when you
> compile the binaries are created in different folders.
>      d) Similar that the case (b) but the source file also contains script
> files (usually in another folder) that must be copied to our bin demo
> folder.
>   In order to simplify the generator I only took into account the first
> case, (a). The cases (b) and (d) are easily to include in the generator but
> more information must be specified (it complicates the interface). However,
> the case (c) is difficult to deal with.
>   I tried to build the following demos but I found some difficulties in the
> some files:
>      *) admm_non_blind_psf_estimation. Case (a) but a "pattern_noise.pgm"
> file must be copied. The generator assumes that only the binaries will be
> copied to the "bin folder".
>      *) xxx_axpb. Case (b)
>      *) m_quasi_euclidean_epipolar_rectification. Case (d)
>      *) lmps_simplest_color_balance. The source file must be download from a
> SECURE server (https). An autorization is needed.
>      *) lmps_retinex_poisson_equation. The source file must be download from
> a SECURE server (https). An autorization is needed.
>      *) bms_binocular_stereo_pipeline. Case (d)
>    Any comment and/or suggestion are welcome.
> Best regards,
>   Agustin
>   TODO:
>   *) Add the demo generator code in GIT.
>   *) Add more demo config files (SAMPLES).
>   *) Fix some bugs in the interface.
>   *) Improve the help information.
>   *) Create an user guide.
>   *) In the input page: Create an image gallery where the user can be
> selected the input images just with a click.

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