[IPOL discuss] IPOL usage statistics 2010/09 - 2011/08
Daniel Kondermann
daniel.kondermann at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Sep 23 11:04:37 CEST 2011
Hi Nicolas!
This is an both an amazing study and great news! Which software did you
use? Perhaps I can try to do something similar with our webpage to
satisfy our industry partners ;)
Am 22.09.2011 17:15, schrieb Nicolas Limare:
> Hi,
> I computed a few statistics about the IPOL usage between 2010/09 and
> 21011/08. Like all web statistics, these are some approximations, but
> the can give, at least, an order of magnitude. Of course, algorithms
> and demonstrations on-line since more than one year ago are more
> likely to get good numbers.
> # definitions
> -------------
> * a visit is a sequence of web page access with no more than 30min
> between 2 successive page access; most automatic visits (web bots,
> search engine spiders, ...) are filtered out
> * a download is counted only for .zip, .gz and .tgz files
> # visits
> --------
> During this year, www.ipol.im received 75000 visits (~200 visits/day),
> with a total of 174000 actions (page views, downloads and
> outlinks). Half of the visits came from returning visitors.
> During 1/3 of the visits, the visitors read more than one page (demo
> pages not counted).
> 30% of the visits came from USA, 14% from France, 11% from China, 5%
> from Germany, 3% from Russia, then Spain, Japan, Taiwan, UK, Italy,
> India, Brazil, Korea, Belgium, Switzerland, ...
> Half of the visits were direct entries: people typine the URL in their
> browser or opening a bookmark. 30% of the visitors followed a
> link. 20% arrived via a search engine.
> Google is the monopolistic search engine leading to IPOL, with 89% of
> usage share, plus 7% for Google Images.
> 44% of the links followed to IPOL were from wikipedia. 16% from
> polytechnique.fr (ASIFT), 12% from ENS Cachan,
> # provenance
> ------------
> A list of interesting visitor locations is attached to this this
> mail. I grabbed names containing tech|univ|inst|resear|scien out of
> more than 14000 network locations. The result is a list of more than
> 850 science, research and education institutions where someone visited
> IPOL at least ponce this year. There probably are some duplicate
> denominations, and some locations count for fundreds of visits while
> some others only generates one page view, but this list is a testimony
> of the visibility of IPOL.
> I also noticed visits from Apple, Microsoft, Hewlet-Packard, Research
> In Motion, General Electrics, General Motors, Fujitsu, Mentor
> Graphics, Siemens Medical, Xerox, Infineon, Matrox, Computer Sciences
> Corp., Motorola, Oracle, Google, 3M, Alcatel-Lucent, Alstom, Springer,
> Freescale, Canon, Elsevier...
> # algorithms
> ------------
> The top 10 viewed algorithm pages were
> - 22000 my_affine_sift
> - 12000 gjmr_line_segment_detector
> - 10000 bcm_non_local_means_denoising
> - 8000 ags_algebraic_lens_distortion_estimation
> - 5500 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation
> - 5000 blmv_nonlinear_cartoon_texture_decomposition
> - 5000 lmps_simplest_color_balance
> - 2500 abmh_real_time_morphological_snakes_algorithm
> - 2500 m_quasi_euclidean_epipolar_rectification
> - 2500 g_image_interpolation_with_contour_stencils
> The top 10 downloads are
> - 400 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_src.zip
> - 300 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_Win.zip
> - 220 gjmr_line_segment_detector/lsd-1.5.zip
> - 200 bcm_non_local_means_denoising/nlmeansB.tar.gz
> - 200 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_src.tar.gz
> - 130 ags_algebraic_lens_distortion_estimation/src.zip
> - 100 my_affine_sift/dataset_Morel_Yu_09.zip
> - 80 bcm_non_local_means_denoising/src.zip
> - 80 bcm_non_local_means_denoising/srcdoc.tar.gz
> - 80 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation/retinex_pde.tar.gz
> 4700 downloads from IPOL were counted during this year.
> # demos
> -------
> 12000 experiences were performed on the demos with original
> images. The top 10 are
> - 4300 my_affine_sift
> - 2200 gjmr_line_segment_detector
> - 1400 bcm_non_local_means_denoising
> - 900 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation
> - 700 ggm_random_phase_texture_synthesis
> - 700 blmv_nonlinear_cartoon_texture_decomposition
> - 600 lmps_simplest_color_balance
> - 150 g_tv_denoising
> - 150 g_image_interpolation_with_contour_stencils
> - 150 g_interpolation_geometric_contour_stencils
> We now (september 2011) have about 100 demo executions per day,
> including 50 with original data.
> # settings
> ----------
> The dominant browser families are:
> - 44% Firefox
> - 31% Chrome/Safari
> - 20% Internet Explorer
> - 04% Opera
> The main browser versions are:
> - 27% Firefox 3.6
> - 10% Internet Explorer 8.0
> - 07% Firefox 4.0
> - 05% Safari 5.0
> - 05% Internet Explorer 6.0
> - 04% Internet Explorer 7.0
> Note that the Chrome browser went through many version updates during
> this period; that't why a single vertion doesn't appear here.
> 98% of the browsers accept cookies, 93% suport Flash and 81% support
> Java. Only non-IE browsers are included in these numbers, the
> dedection doesn't work with Internet Explorer.
> The most frequently used screen resolutions are:
> - 17% 1280x800
> - 12% 1280x1024
> - 11% 1440x900
> - 10% 1680x1050
> The main operating systems of our visitors are:
> - 33% Windows XP
> - 31% Windows 7
> - 16% Linux
> - 11% Mac OS
> - 08% Windows Vista
> We also had a few visits from mobile systems (iPad, iPhone, Android,
> iPod, BlackBerry).
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