[IPOL discuss] library presentations

David Tschumperlé David.Tschumperle at ensicaen.fr
Sat Feb 4 18:00:32 CET 2012

2012/2/4 Nicolas Limare <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>

> > This is a very good idea. Nicolas, could you put up a list of
> > experts of these projects to invite?
> I wrote a first list of libraries in the IPOL wiki,
> -> http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/misc/imglib_presentations/
> I will try to identify local speakers. Please add your own favourite
> library, or any library you would like to hear about.
Just some other suggestions :
Near Paris, you also have the PINK library, developed at ESIEE :

VIGRA is another very interesting IP library, but from Germany :

Pandore is another IP library developed in our lab (GREYC / Caen) :

This is not the first time we think about having a kind of workshop
dedicated to IP libraries and toolboxes. I really think the topic is
interesting and broad enough to make such a workshop very interesting. I
support the idea !

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