[IPOL discuss] IPOL moves to LaTeX/PDF and a new submission system

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu Jul 26 16:33:40 CEST 2012

Dear all,

We have been playing for a while, not it's time to make it official:
now IPOL only publishes article manuscripts as PDF documents. Every
new article will be published as a PDF and we are in the process of
converting already published articles to PDF.

We loose some of the flexibility and interactivity allowed by HTML
articles, but in exchange we get more confort in editing the papers
with LaTeX, a better control of the appearance of the documents,
better insertion in databases and repositories, and more credibility:
it seems that if it's not a PDF, it's not "a real article" in people's
minds, and they won't reference your work.

The presentation of the article will be improved in the coming weeks,
with alternative (lightweight low-resolution) PDF files and the return
of the doxygen info. Later, we may try again to provide an HTML
alternative, for convenience and because it will improve the
indexation of the articles by search engines.

You can find the instructions for creating an IPOL PDF document here,
with the LaTeX class (thanks to Rafael)
-> https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/manuscript_guidelines/

If you submit a new article, it will be in LaTeX/PDF. If you have an
article already submitted but not yet published, please convert it to
LaTeX/PDF, it will have to be done for the publication anyway. If you
have an article already published as HTML, we would like to publish a
new PDF version, starting with the recent ones; if you accept to
convert the article, it will help us. We can assist you in the
transition from wiki/HTML to LaTeX, for example by providing an
archive with all the content of your HTML article.

And with the end of the wiki system, there is another change. Now,
the submissions are managed in our online journal system
https://tools.ipol.im/ojs/. The author instructions have been updated
and simplified.
* http://www.ipol.im/meta/submission/
* https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/author_manual/

I hope this will help us attain a better quality, and spend less
energy in editing details. Of course, your feedback is welcome on all
these points.


Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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