[IPOL discuss] update of www.ipol.im coming

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Tue Sep 11 21:06:33 CEST 2012

Dear all,

> I prepared the next version of http://www.ipol.im. [...]
> 4. We will close the "wiki" system. [...] I am preparing some
>    semi-automatic conversions, and a full archive of your article
>    drafts with all the image files and a LaTeX version will be
>    available.
> I intend to do the transition at the end of the week.

It took more time, because of unexpected local events. I updated today
the "edit" section of the IPOL website, still accessible at

The other pages of www.ipol.im, including the new indexes, addresses
and categories, will me updated on Thursday. This second update will
also fix the few minor visual bugs you may notice in this "edit"
section currently.

I only had time to prepare a LaTeX version for half of these
articles. This version is available, with all the documents included
in the article, from the header of these pages. Of course the pdf
produced from this version won't look very good, but I hope it will
help you for the transition to the new submission format. And I
am willing to help if you need it.

I will proceed with the remaining articles in the next days. If your
article is actively edited and close to a submission, please let me
know (by email) and I will handle it in priority.

With this transition, the previous wiki system is closed, and with it
the user/passwords are gone. To access the edit/algo pages (in
read-only mode), please use these identifiers:
    user: author
    pass: ipoledit

If you notice something missing or broken in these drafts, please let
me know about it.

This is the last message I send to all the authors about this
transition (sorry for the spam); next mesages will only be sent to the
discuss mailing-list.


Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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