[IPOL discuss] OpenCV and IPOL

Javier Alejandro Martinez jamartinez089 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 20:25:23 CEST 2013

Thanks to all for the replies, I would like to ask if OpenCV could be
proposed as an accepted dependency by IPOL, since it is a widely used
library in the field of image processing.

The code to be submitted also depends on GSL and BOOST, but these can be
included on the package to be submitted.

If you would like to check the code, it is available at

This software consists of a pattern localization system for mobile robots.

Thanks again,

2013/8/21 Nicolas Limare <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>

> Javier,
> > The Software Guidelines has a section on external dependencies
> > (perhaps you have seen it already):
> > https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/software_guidelines/#external-libraries
> >
> > Basically, only the libraries libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, zlib, fftw,
> > cblas, and clapack are allowed. If you feel very strongly about
> > another library, you can request that it be considered.
> These are restrictions on what your code can expect to find "on the
> system". But you can also provide everything your code needs (OpenCV
> or anything else) with your algorithm code, and prepare it so that
> everything is compiled together. The restrictions are then to keep it
> as simple, small and well-organized as possible. This is detailed in
> the section on "support code"
> -> https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/software_guidelines/#support-code
> --
> Nicolas LIMARE
> http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
> --
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