[IPOL discuss] OpenCV and IPOL

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Aug 26 16:10:48 CEST 2013

Quoting Javier Alejandro Martinez <jamartinez089 at gmail.com>:
> Thanks to all for the replies, I would like to ask if OpenCV could be
> proposed as an accepted dependency by IPOL, since it is a widely used
> library in the field of image processing.
> The code to be submitted also depends on GSL and BOOST, but these can be
> included on the package to be submitted.
> If you would like to check the code, it is available at
> https://github.com/v01d/whycon.git
> This software consists of a pattern localization system for mobile robots.

Dear all,
in my opinion we should allow GSL [1], since it implements many of the  
operations needed in image processing or CV programs (eigensystems,  
minimization, wavelets, linear algebra, least-squares fitting,  
splines, etc).

The library now is in its major version 1, what means that is  
considered to be stable. They have the compromise not to break the API  
and being always compatible at the same major version.

It started on 1996 and since 2013 it hasn't gone to major version 1,  
so I think we can expect the API to be really stable.

For the Boost library, I'm not so confident. They don't have any  
compromise not to break their APIs and the library is being developed  
very actively. In my opinion, we should wait until it's more stable  
before adopting it. Hopefully, some of its parts might be adopted by  
the C++ standard library.

And about openCV, I'd like to read to opinion of people that knows it  
well and if we can expect its API to be stable.


[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/

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