[IPOL discuss] Policy for download location of new demo/preprints

Pascal Monasse monasse at imagine.enpc.fr
Fri Jun 14 16:06:12 CEST 2013

Hello all,

I could ask the following questions to IPOL editors only, but I think the 
answers would interest others.

When writing a new demo, in the python code app.py, the policy is to have a 
variable app.xlink_src to indicate the download location of the source code 
package. What should it be now that edit.ipol.im does not exist anymore? Are 
we supposed to put it at whatever http location we wish? Is it advised to put 
it at "http://dev.ipol.im/~login/"?

An independent question: what should be done by the author to have his/her 
submitted article be put as a preprint during the reviewing period?


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