[IPOL discuss] publishing the LaTeX source of IPOL articles?

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Tue Mar 26 19:45:53 CET 2013

Dear all,

What do you think about publishing the LaTeX source of IPOL articles
on ipol.im, for example as supplementary materials? I see a few
* these are good examples to write new IPOL articles
* recoding comnplex math formula in LaTeX takes time and is not
  interesting, copy-paste is faster
* same for bibliographix references
* accessing the original image files to re-use for comparison is
  better than trying to extract them from the PDF

Moreover, some people in a conference recently attended by Carlo say
they want to be able to regenerate article files in other formats than
the PDF provided by the publisher.

For the intellectual rights, a LaTeX source is a program, we could
suggest a template to the authors to mention their copyright and a

What do you think about this idea?

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan         http://limare.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
IPOL journal                                             http://www.ipol.im/
-> image processing, reproducible research, open science
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